Sonic riders babylon garden

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In Sonic Riders: Legends, You will start off with Creating an Avatar Character along with choosing a Ability type, Gender, Species, so on so forth, This time around Created Avatars have much more options compared to Sonic Forces and are much more in-depth in terms of Customization. The truth about the Babylonians and the parents of the Babylon Rouges will be reviled here. The Babylon Rogues and Team Heroes recently learned that fragments of the Babylon Garden was discovered all over the world, one of which is as Megalo Station where the Avatar spots and grabs for safe keeping, unaware of what it actually is. and teams no longer have the restriction to use one of each type, many new faces enter, among them is the Avatar, who was invited due to his/hers/Their talents but, what lies ahead is more than just competition between many competitors.

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The EX World Grand Prix returns after being under a Hiatus, This time being hosted by Non other than Honey the Cat along with Omochao, This time around the EXGP is expanded into three divisions, Solos, Duos, and Trios. Emerald Rush (Limited Event Exclusive).2.2.8 Character and EX Gear Customization.2.1.5 Base Gear Chassis/Type Exclusive Gear Chassis Selection.

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